Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Hampton Beach, NH

I may not have mentioned it before, I retired from the workforce in June of last year (2009) for a number of reasons, among the reasons... stress... my glucose levels were averaging in the high 200s, my blood pressure, well, it was close enough to my glucose levels so that it was of a "concern".  Since I have retired my health both mental and physical are better.

Here it is mid-week, and my wife and I are down at Hampton Beach staying at a friend's condo while he is in Hawaii.  His condo looks out over the beach.  This morning, after a storm, the sky is a light grey-blue, and the water is a darker grey-blue with white caps.  The beach has received gifts from the storm, birds are out dodging the incoming tide, picking up bits of shell fish that had been dashed against the rocks.

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